Friday 27 July 2012

How Beneficial Is Bee Pollen?

I'm addicted to this stuff!! Bee pollen combines 22 proteins, vitamin C, B-complex and foliate, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes, and carotene – all of the major antioxidants. It helps to fight off infection, disease and it strengthens our immune system. 35g of bee pollen daily contains each of the nutrients needed by the human body to sustain life. It is known to help build up a resistance to allergies and decreasing high blood pressure. It is excellent for regulating mood and wards off colds, flus, sore throats, stomach ulcers and gum disease. Erika Doolan - Nutritionist

Concerned about all those awful pesticides that are on our fruit and vegetables?

Grapefruit seed extract is fantastic for washing fruit and vegetables but you may not have this at home. This recipe below is an example of a quick and easy way to wash off those unwanted pesticides. Simply whisk this mixture below with a fork and pour into a pump spray bottle. Recipe For Home-made Pesticide Spray: 1/2 lemon squeezed 1 cup white wine vinegar 1 cup of water 1 tbsp baking soda Erika Doolan - Nutritionist RUSTICSTONE RESTAURANT